Cookie Policy

How do we use cookies and other tracking technology?

On www.snø.no we use cookies in order to improve your experience, to gather information for our marketing and in order to develop the web pages. his Cookie policy explains what cookies are and how we use them and for what purpose.

Cookies are text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a web page. Cookies are used to facilitate the use of a website, for example by remembering your choices and preferences, as well as to develop the site and to analyse your behaviour.

What types of cookies do we use?

Session cookies

For some features on www.snø.no to function, for example for the right web pages to be displayed to the right person, our website uses what are known as "session cookies". When you visit our websites our web servers allocate your computer a unique ID number for that unique visit. These cookies do not have an expiry date and are instead stored temporarily in the user's computer memory until the browser is shut down. Thanks to these cookies you do not need to fill in all your information again every time you hit 'Back' during the booking dialogue, for instance.

Persistent cookies

A persistent cookie has a specified duration, or lifetime, that determines how long it is stored on your computer or mobile device. These cookies are stored until their lifetime expires or until you delete them manually.

Third-party cookies

A third-party cookie is a cookie that is placed on your device on our behalf by anyone other than us. This occurs where we have providers that perform services for us, such as certain analysis services, payment services or services that allow you to share our pages on social media.

Below are some examples of the main cookies on our site, what they do and how you can alter your settings to stop cookies. They allow you to navigate our site, log-in, purchase products, set the language settings, display the correct page for the device you are using, verify your details when you make an order and they allow us to process payment for an order.

To opt out of these cookies you will need to change the settings on your browser Cookie preferences. If you choose to block these cookies our website may not work as it should and any preferences you have may be lost.

Google Analytics

SNØ uses Google Analytics to track visits to our website and movement around the site. The data which is collected is anonymous and is used for benchmarking purposes to monitor the performance of our site and to measure user engagement on our site. You can read more about the cookies in use at ( "Google Analytics cookies")


This is an advertiser cookie and a performance improver cookie. It allows us to place advertising content onto Facebook which is relevant to you based on the information which your web browsing patterns allow Facebook to infer. This information is never connected to your profile and it is always anonymous.

You can read more and change your preferences on Facebook here:

You can control and opt-out of Facebook adverts and other third party cookies here: (


SNØ uses Stripe as our payment provider. You can read more about the cookies in use at ( "Stripe cookies")

SNØ also uses the following cookies:


The purpose of this cookie is to confirm that the visit is coming from a secure location, also when you visit the website form a network which can be unsecured (example on a Cafe network). Cloudfare is a service we use to be able to offer a wesite that operates quickly and more secure. The cookie is store for 1 year.


This cookie is necessary to be able to offer personalized content in a fast and effective matter. It collects information about how you logged in, Firebase user ID, CRM contact ID, issue date, expire date and issuer. The cookie is stored for 24 hours.

_stripemid _stripesid

This cookie is used to recognise a client (session ID). Stripe is the service we use to handle payment transactions without storing information of you payment card on our own servers. This cookie is stored for 1 year.

_ga _gid

This cookie is in use by Google Analytics to collect information about visits, to distinguish between different users, sessions and website. All information collected by Google is anonymized immediately. The cookie is stored for 24 hours.


This is an anti-counterfeit sign used to prevent CSRF attacks.

To keep you updated of the use of cookies and other tracing mechanism you can visit or

You have the option of preventing cookies from being stored on your computer and can change the settings in your browser at any time. You can then choose to block all cookies or only specific cookies. You can also delete persistent cookies stored on your device at any time. If you choose not to allow the use of cookies from snø.no or any of our other websites, it may mean that certain services cannot be used or that not all aspects of the site will work properly.

Read more about:

Terms and conditions

SNØ safety rules

Privacy Policy